2016-03-18 新闻来源:食品伙伴网 浏览人次:0

        澳佳宝总裁霍尔盖特(Christine Holgate)表示,百嘉与澳佳宝加起来拥有200年的经验,去年这两家企业结成了伙伴关系,下一步将合作开拓医学用途食品。

        霍尔盖特(Christine Holgate)还表示,老龄配方奶粉是个商机。预计到2020年中国会有30%的人口超过65岁。澳洲也是一个快速老龄化的国家,在过去3年里,100万人迈进50岁,以不同的方式来解决人口老龄化问题将很重要。

     Infant formula kicked off the partnership but the teams are already turning their attention to other products. Holgate says there is an opportunity in formulas for the ageing population.

    “On holiday recently at Pearl Beach I was walking down the road and a 70-year-old lady stopped me and said she loved what I was doing with Bega, but when was I bringing out the adult formulas?” she says.

    “Thirty per cent of people are forecast to be over the age of 65 in China by 2020. In Australia we are a rapidly ageing population and over the past three years one million people turned 50. Looking at different ways to support an ageing population is going to be important.”


Start at 2015-10-19 10:30 AM